DiabloSport Tuning
Founded in 2000, DiabloSport designs and manufactures the industry's most unique line of performance products for the automotive industry. Later they merged with Autologic, another star in the field of tuning since the early '80s. DiabloSport does not wait for others to develop the leading edge technologies needed to succeed; they create them themselves to gain the competitive advantages that help differentiate them from the competition. In fact DiabloSport employs degreed individuals in various disciplines. These DiabloSport tuners and engineers are at the very forefront of developing breakthrough technologies for the 21st Century. Their tuners make diesel performance easy, reliable and affordable.
In the 21st century, technology is everything- and the automotive world is no exception! DiabloSport’s focus is to create products that allow you to take control of your vehicle like never before. In the old days, if you wanted to tweak your vehicles’ timing you needed some tools and you went straight for the distributor, but today computer systems that do the work without user input. That is where they come in- their tuning devices give users access to performance parameters, allowing you to “tune” them on your own, or program them with one of their dyno tested performance “tunes” that they have spent hundreds of hours developing. Diablosport makes tuning quick, accessible, and painless- it is so easy that anyone can do it!