Shop for EGR Coolers & Components for your 1994-1998 Dodge 5.9L Diesel. Common signs that your EGR Cooler could be failing are white smoke, low coolant levels, a sticky EGR valve, or possibly a check engine light. Since the EGR cooler connects the exhaust and cooling systems of your engine, failures inside the cooler can lead to coolant loss, overheating, and possibly engine damage. The main function of an EGR cooler is to lower the exhaust gas temperature before it is recirculated back into the engine. On many diesel engines EGR coolers can be prone to blockages or leaks over time. The first sign of failure is usually white exhaust smoke. This is actually steam from boiling water or coolant. If the EGR cooler has cracked or failed, the coolant passages inside the cooler can begin to leak. The coolant will start to mix with the exhaust and begins to enter the intake. It is then heated either directly by the exhaust, or inside the combustion chamber before being pushed out the tailpipe. As with any coolant leak, you may start noticing a lack of coolant in your overflow bottle. If you have to repeatedly top off your coolant system, and you dont notice any drips or spots on the ground, the coolant may be exiting through the exhaust. Another item to check is the trucks EGR valve. It will typically be black from carbon buildup. If the coolant is entering the EGR system, it can mix with this carbon. Small amounts of coolant can mix with this carbon and will create a sticky buildup. In some cases, there may be enough coolant passing through to strip away the carbon. This leaves the valve looking like it has been steam cleaned. OE-style stock replacements and upgraded EGR cooler designs are offered for many vehicle applications. Shop all the leading manufacturers such as Bostech, Bullet Proof Diesel, Grizzly Air, Dorman, Alliant Power, PPE, AFE Power, XDP, and more!