Make sure to outfit yourself with the proper Safety Equipment from XDP when working on your 1994-1998 Dodge Ram 2500/3500. If using power tools or equipment it's always a good idea to use ear protection such as ear plugs to avoid long-term hearing loss or damage. Protect yourself from high-heat or burns with heat resistant apparel like Safety Sleeves for working near a hot engine or exhaust system. Your safety should be a top concern anytime you step into the shop or get under the hood or underneath your truck. Having the proper Safety Glasses & Apparel are crucial when it comes to protecting yourself during the job. Safety Glasses help protect your eyes from flying debris such as metal shavings and rust particles.
Fire safety and prevention should be atop every automotive enthusiast's priority list. Small and convenient, Element Fire Extinguishers are small enough that they can be stored in the vehicle glovebox or mounted within arm's reach with a variety of mounting clips and brackets. Portable fire extinguishers such as those by Element are ideal for all Class A, B, C, K fires. Equip yourself, your vehicle, and your shop with Safety Equipment to prevent yourself from injury or property damage. Whether you are working in the driveway or at the track XDP carries Fire Extinguishers & Mounts for every situation. Unfortunately, automotive related fires are never planned and typically occur at the least opportune times, so you can never be too prepared.