Hot Shot's Secret
Hot Shot’s Secret was founded to supply customers with problem-specific solutions for their vehicles without breaking the bank. Hot Shot’s Secret develops their products right here in the USA at their plant in Ohio. Every product is created with highly concentrated formulas that are significantly more impactful than the diluted bottled products commonly found on retail shelves. All new Hot Shot products are subject to rigorous, scientific, three separate phases of testing. This testing begins with initial testing conducted in Hot Shots Secret world-class R&D lab. Once the initial testing is done, the product then undergoes independent, third-party dynamometer testing. Finally, real-world testing completes the process and ensures Hot Shot Secret products are ready to be used around the world.
Oil Additives
Hot Shot’s Secret Stiction Eliminator is one of their flagship products and was initially developed for International Truck and Engine Corporation. The additive helps resolve the sticky friction (or “stiction”) issue with injectors on the Ford 6.0 Powerstroke engine. Stiction is caused by caked-on oil varnish build-up residue that occurs on HEU diesel injectors, turbochargers, and engine components like bearings. By mixing a patented carbon nano lubricant into the Stiction Eliminator, this product fills in microscopic variations on the machined surface. This provides a smoother surface for the lubricating film to form, minimizing friction, and wear, and reducing the black smoke and bucking and chugging on cold starts.
Hot Shot’s Secret also offers other oil additives such as the FR3 Friction Reducer, TBN Booster, and the RV Engine Protector. The FR3 Friction Reducer is a 100% synthetic oil additive that features a blend of three lubricants oil to help improve oxidation stability and film strength. FR3 Friction Reducer has been third-party ASTM tested to help lessen engine wear by 43%, increase fuel economy by 5%, and increase horsepower by up to 5%. The TBN Booster was created to increase base oil’s Total Base Number (TBN) and features active ingredients from FR3 Friction Reducer, a TBN Booster, and a CK-4 additive package. This oil additive replenishes any lost oil detergents and raises the viscosity and TBN to protect your engine from corrosive acidic conditions.
Engine Oil
Hot Shot’s Secret offers a wide selection of semi- and full synthetic motor oils in the most popular weights for your Ford Powerstroke, GM Duramax, or Dodge Ram diesel truck. Hot Shot’s Secret has 3 different lines of diesel engine oil available: Green Diamond, Blue Diamond PAO, and Black Diamond. The Green Diamond Synthetic is a group III synthetic motor oil that is designed for the daily driver and moderate towing. The Blue Diamond PAO (polyalphaolefin) Synthetic motor oil is a group IV synthetic motor oil that is ideal for severe duty use and extended drain intervals. The Black Diamond is also a group IV synthetic with an increased Total Base Number (TBN) to combat the acidic content formed when running the engine and is designed for street & strip applications.
Hot Shot's Secret also has developed Fuel Additives, Transmission Fluid, Gear Oil, and Coolant your truck needs to help keep it on the road. Shop Hot Shot's Secret products your Ford F-Series, Chevy Silverado/GMC Sierra, or Dodge Ram at XDP.