Duramax, Installations

Pinning the Crankshaft in your Duramax

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XDP Duramax R&D

When was the last time you thought about your Duramax’s harmonic balancer? Let’s refresh your memory, and while we’re at it dive into why adding an additional pin to your crankshaft can be beneficial. 

factory Pin Dowel

The stock dowel pin can be damaged or shear. This can cause the harmonic balancer to spin on the crankshaft. This could result in excessive engine vibration, throw off the balance of the rotating assembly, and could even result in serious engine damage.  

Broken Crankshaft

Unfortunately, there are no warning signs that you’ll notice without visually inspecting the dowel pin. Don’t take the risk of your truck being out of commission, make sure it’s secure and correct. Keep your harmonic balancer secure and avoid issues with the XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit. 

XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit

Tech Tips

The Kit includes the necessary components to install an additional crankshaft pin, including a jig, a drill bit, and a dowel pin. So you can drill and pin your crankshaft, making sure the harmonic balancer won’t move or spin on the crankshaft, throwing off the balance of your rotating assembly. These pin kits can be helpful in both stock and performance applications. 

If you’re preparing to add an additional pin in your Duramax’s Crankshaft, we have some words of wisdom from our technician Mike, “It’s a fairly straightforward job. I would recommend making sure you’re working with the correct tools to properly hold the engine while having to remove and torque the crank bolt. “I can’t count how many times I’ve come across crank bolts not being torqued that cause failure. It can’t be stressed enough that torquing that bolt down is a crucial part of this install.”  

“This job is accessible while replacing a water pump, radiator, and anything that would have the fan and shroud removed from the front of the engine. Belts, tensioners, pulleys, etc…” 


Make sure you have all the tools you need. To pin your crankshaft with the XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin Kit, you’ll need:  

  • Tape measure 
  • 12-point 36mm ½“drive shallow socket  
  • 22mm Socket  
  • Torque Wrench Capable of 300 Ft. Lbs.  
  • 90 Degree Drill  
  • Cutting/Drilling Lubricant 
  • Drill Guide & Bit (included in the kit 
XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit tools

Now that we’ve got our tools, let’s get started.

XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit measurement

Measure 1 3/4” on the supplied drill bit and tape this mark.

This is the depth the crankshaft is drilled.  

Crankshaft Bolt

Remove factory crankshaft bolt, using a 12point 36mm socket.  

XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit install 2
XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit 3

Place the drilling guide onto the crankshaft.

After that, clock the fixture 180 degrees from the existing factory key.  

XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit 4

Install the supplied bolt hand-tight with a ratchet or wrench. Do not overtighten!  

XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit 5

In a 90-degree drill, carefully drill the 1 3/4” hole. Go slow! Remember to use plenty of cutting/drilling lubricant. 

XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit 6

Inspect the hole and ensure it’s clear of any debris and shavings from the drilling procedure.  

XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit 7

Remove the holding fixture and bolt from the damper.  

After that, tap or press the supplied dowel pin into the hole.

XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin kit 8

With the pin seated, re-install the factory bolt and torque to 278 ft-lbs. 

You can be confident in taking your Duramax to the max regardless of the situation. Have peace of mind knowing the harmonic balancer and crankshaft are safe and reliable in your Duramax. Visit XDP.com today to shop for the XDP Duramax Crankshaft Pin Kit!